Multi-Signature Proposal on OBE
Telos Open Block Explorer (OBE) allows for the creation of multi-sig proposed transactions.
Telos OBE provides a wrapper to interact with the eosio.msig contract easily. One user creates a proposal. Another user(s) reviews the transaction and then approves it for execution.
Telos has made it easy to propose, review, approve and execute a multi-sig transaction.
Now with Telos OBE, you can easily submit, review, approve, cancel, and execute new proposals without the hassle of using cleos or generating a JSON file for eosio.msig.
Proposal actions supported by Telos OBE include:
- Proposea. To submit a proposal you need the following parameters:
i. A proposer(the account proposing the transaction)
ii. A proposal name (a unique name for the proposal)
iii. Requested (Permission levels expected to approve the proposal).
iv. trx (Proposed transaction). - Approve
a. Approves the existing proposal. - Unapprove
a. Revokes an existing proposal. - Cancel
a. Cancels an existing proposal. - Execa. Exec action allows an executor account to execute the proposal under certain conditions: i. Executer has authorization. ii. Proposal name is found in the proposals table. iii.All requested approvals are received. iv. Proposed transaction has not expired. v. None of the approval accounts are in the invalidations table.
- Invalidate
Multi-transfer actions
Telos OBE offers multi-transfer actions(more than one action) within one multi-sig proposal. Just import a .csv file to execute more than one token send transaction in one go.
Actor for approval vs. actor for authorization
Note: There is a difference between an "actor for approval" and an "actor for authorization".
● The actor for the approval of a proposal is all the accounts required to approve a msig transaction for an account.
● The actor for authorization is the actual msig account that will perform the transaction AFTER approvers have signed.
In this tutorial we will be creatinga multi-sig proposal to transfer tokens from one account to another using the eosio.token contract as an example.
- Go to Telos OBE
- Select "Connect" to conenct your wallet(Anchor or Cleos).